Monday, August 17, 2015

Why Not Now?

Overcoming Obstacles

There were many challenges we faced to build a climbing wall but I'll focus on the top three.

First, we are renting the house we live in and our lease was nearing the end.

Second, the cost and location also needed to be determined.

Lastly, how do you build a climbing wall anyway?

I'll discuss how we overcame each one in reverse order.

How do you build a climbing wall?

I googled this topic which ultimately directed me to Pinterest.  After joining, I perused many ideas and discussed them with Christa.  We used the following two websites to design and build our wall:

Where & how much to spend?

We could have built a portable free standing wall but determined an open spot in the garage was best after considering the possibilities.  I researched the price of materials and different sets of climbing hardware.  With an approximate cost in mind and my birthday coming up, I began to believe that building a wall could actually happen in NOW instead of later.

The second half of cost: Our lease.  

Housing prices in are area of North Dallas are high and increasing.  We scheduled a time to meet with the owner to discuss renewing our lease and approval to build the wall.  At our first meeting he approved the wall (Thank you Mr. Prewitt!) and at the second we signed a new two year lease at a good price.

Two days later, Pop gave us my birthday present to go with an unexpected gift from another source.


Dream, wall designed, location and cost determined, lease renewed and building approved, now cash in hand to build...IT'S GO TIME!

We'll discuss the building process next.

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